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Suha Arafat: The 2000 Intifada Was Premeditated, Planned by Arafat

Suha Arafat:
The 2000 Intifada Was Premeditated, Planned by Arafat

on Dubai TV – December 16, 2012  translated by MEMRITVVideos

VIDEO: You’re Fired: U.N. Israel Hater Richard Falk Expelled from Human Rights Watch

You’re Fired: U.N. Israel Hater Richard Falk Expelled from Human Rights Watch

by HumanRightsUN · 20.12.2012

Now help us fire Falk from his U.N. post, too: http://www.unwatch.org/donate
** Fired: U.N.’s Worst Israel Hater Richard Falk Expelled from Human Rights Watch. Amazing but true. Falk was exposed and taken down by his nemesis, U.N. Watch. Said Falk: “HRW wanted to acquiesce in response to the U.N. Watch attack but hoped I would not notice, and miscalculated because UN Watch claimed credit quite reasonably for my ‘dismissal.'”

VIDEO: Pallywood by AP & Roiters: Gaza without electricity


The usual distorted lies.
See here what the Hamas photographers on behalf of AP and Roiters don’t want shown or observed.

VIDEO – Documentary: Line Of Fire – The Six Day War in HD

For those who love hard music. The Six Days War in 4 Minutes

Sabaton Counterstrike

Another Documetary watch

1967 Arab-Israeli War – part 1/6

For our German Readers: Spiegel vom 12.6.1967:


Tötet, tötet

Sie rollten wie Rommel. siegten wie Patton und sangen noch dazu. “Dies ist eine singende Armee. Ihre Krieger singen wie die Helden Hemingways”, staunte Kriegskorrespondent James Reston.

In 60 Stunden zerschlugen die gepanzerten Söhne Zions den arabischen Einkreisungsring um Israel, scheuchten sie die panarabischen Propheten aus ihren Großmacht-Träumen, stürzten sie Ägyptens Nasser in niltiefes Jammertal. Der Pharao nahm die Verantwortung für den verlorenen Krieg auf sich und jonglierte mit seinem Rücktritt.

Während Nassers Radio noch gelobt hatte: “Wir werden jeden Daumenbreit, jedes Sandkorn unseres Bodens verteidigen”, zogen Nassers Helden die Schuhe aus, um auf Sinai-Sand flotter fliehen zu können. Wie 1956 erbeuteten die Israelis neben Tanks und Kanonen Tausende Paar Militärstiefel der schuhungewohnten Fellachen.

Während Jordaniens Klein-König Hussein seine Soldaten noch stachelte: “Tötet, tötet, tötet; mit Händen, Nägeln, Zähnen”, stellte sein Land, dem Zusammenbruch nahe, den Kampf gegen Israel ein. Erschöpft und unrasiert dementierte der Monarch einen Tag später, daß er sich nach Rom abgesetzt habe.

Während Algeriens Staatsoberst Boumedienne seine Hilfstruppen für Sinai mit dem Ruf “Tod auf dem Feld der Ehre oder Sieg” in Marsch setzte, waren Ehre und Sieg schon verloren, hatte sich der “Heilige Krieg” der Araber gegen die Juden als frommer Selbstbetrug erwiesen.

In Jerusalem stieß Israels oberster Militär-Rabbiner, Fallschirmjäger-General Schlomo Goren, in das Schofar-Widderhorn — ein Blasinstrument, das angeblich schon bei der Eroberung Jerichos geblasen wurde. Es verkündete der Welt, daß Davids Stadt wieder voll im Besitz der Juden sei. Die Soldaten riefen: “Hedad, hedad” (hurra).”….

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Christiane Amanpour, CNN frequently broadcasts this lies again and again and compares indirect the IDF with Jihadist Organisations


Rabbi Marvin Hier
Founder and Dean, Simon Wiesenthal Center


A day prior to the airing of Christiane Amanpour’s six-hour CNN documentary entitled God’s Warriors, I was one of four clergymen to be a guest on Larry King Live to discuss the issue of fundamentalism in today’s world. The interview on Larry King was pre-recorded in mid-July and none of the participants had seen the six-hour documentary because it was still being edited. Now that I have seen it, I sent the following critique to the producers of God’s Warriors.

1. MORAL EQUIVALENCY – There is no moral equivalency between some 200 Israeli fanatics prone to violence and tens of thousands of Palestinian terrorists whose acts are endorsed by the elected government and a significant portion of the population. The failure of the documentary to clearly make that distinction skews the facts and conveys the false impression allowing people all over the world to conclude that there IS a moral equivalency between the number of Palestinian terrorists and Jewish terrorists – this is a complete distortion. More importantly, the largest terrorist group responsible for much of the unrest in the Middle East, Hamas, got a free pass from CNN in God’s Warriors and is not even mentioned in the documentary’s segment on Islam.

2. JEWISH LOBBY – CNN spends much time describing the strength of the “Jewish Lobby” in Washington. But what do supporters of Israel active on the Hill have to do with a documentary focusing on the power of religion? Indeed, many of those defending Israel on Capital Hill are, in fact, secular Jews. Furthermore, if you are going to talk about powerful lobbies, why not give equal time to the enormous power of the Arab Oil lobby?

3. SECURITY FENCE (Hamas Wall) – The consultants of the documentary make a point of showing the security fence that now separates the Palestinians from the Israelis. Palestinians interviewed explain the hardships they face and call the fence an “apartheid” wall. Nowhere is there a mention of the wide consensus of support for the security fence amongst all Israelis, left and right, including Israel’s Supreme Court, which has sanctioned the fence because, without it, the suicide bombings would continue unabated, something NO society can tolerate. Indeed, the terrorist groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad are the real architects and designers of that fence.

4. FIGHTING TERRORISM – God’s Warrior’s makes mention of the fact that the few Jewish terrorists described in the film were all arrested by the Israeli government and sent to jail for their crimes. Yet, they ignore the fact that Palestinian officials have never convicted Palestinian terrorists. Had they done so, there would be no need for a security fence.

5. SIX DAY WAR – The documentary spends a lot of time on the Six Day War and emphasizes how Israel decided to attack the Old City during the War, which changed the status quo forever. But God’s Warriors fails to explain how or why the Six Day War started. It hides from its audience the fact that Egypt blocked the Straits of Tiran (an international waterway), an act of war under international law, denying all shipping to Israel and that the Arab States, including Jordan, which controlled the Old City, brought their armies to the border. Had they not taken those actions, the Six Day War would have been averted. By ignoring all that and instead focusing on Israel’s attack on the Old City, God’s Warriors guides its audience to the conclusion that the purpose of the War was Israel’s intention to grab the Old City of Jerusalem.


Watch also:

CAMERA: CNN’s ‘God’s Warriors’ Bias for Islam

Media Bias: CNN’s God’s Warriors Skewed Against Israel Pt. 1

Media Bias: CNN’s God’s Warriors Skewed Against Israel Pt. 2

VIDEO: PALLYWOOD during Pillar Of Defense: Hamas’ Claims: True or False?

Pallywood during Pillar Of Defense:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

by idfnadesk November 2012

VIDEO: EU: Where did all the Palestinian money go?!

Calev Myers to EU:
Where did all the Palestinian money go?!

from JIJorg

Veröffentlicht am 20.11.2012

Calev Myers’ speech at the event JIJ held in cooperation with EC4I in the Eyuropean Parliament in Brussels, presenting the JIJ Palestinian Authority report of Human Rights. The session was attended by members of the Foreign Committee in the European Parliament.

Read the full report here:


Visit the JIJ website: http://www.jij.org.il
בקרו באתר האינטרנט: hbrew.jij.org.il

VIDEO: How to Fake an Anti-Israel PALLYWOOD News Photo

by HonestReportingVideo  published on Jul 2, 2012

UPDATE: July 3 The Independent has removed the staged photo from their website. Good job to everyone who wrote them. You CAN make a difference.

A Palestinian photographer stages a picture that the Independent uses as a news photo. Find the June 27, 2012 article at http://tinyurl.com/7lps9qa. Send your complaints to The Independent’s News Desk — newseditor@independent.co.uk – and demand that a correction be published.

VIDEO: The shocking video Muslims don’t want you to see!!

Watch this video about the shocking similarites between Muslim and Nazi beliefs. Listen to a former Palestinian terrorist. What is being taught to Muslim children will shock and amaze you!

Uploaded on Dec 29, 2008

VIDEO: Egyptian President Morsi Joins Preacher in Prayer for Dispersal of the Jews

Channel 1 (Egypt) – October 19, 2012

translated by MEMRITVVideos

VIDEO & PETITION: The RED LINE – A peaceful way to stop Iran

The RED LINE – A peaceful way to stop Iran
by Shraga Simmons & Banafsheh Zand


The Red Line is an independent, not-for-profit project designed to harness the global voice of humanity for the purpose of a peaceful solution to prevent a nuclear Iran. We are non-partisan, non-political, and non-discriminatory on any basis. Join us in the quest for a safe and peaceful planet.

Shraga Simmons – Director, Writer and Producer
Shraga Simmons is a journalist, rabbi and filmmaker. Originally from Buffalo, New York, he holds a degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin, and has a long career – beginning at age 16 – reporting for daily newspapers and national magazines. He is a foremost expert in media bias and has published extensively on the topic. He is an oft-quoted source on issues of Jewish education, whose work has been translated into 10 languages. In October 2012 he produced and directed The Red Line, a short Internet film detailing the dangers of a nuclear Iran. He continues to manage the project as CEO.

Banafsheh Zand – Narrator
Banafsheh Zand was born in Tehran to Iranian journalist parents. In 1979, she fled the Khomeinist uprising. She studied cinema in Paris, eventually settling in New York City where she became an American citizen. For over 20 years Banafsheh has devoted her life to helping the good people of Iran fight for freedom. She is an expert on Iranian history, Shiitism, and Terror, and is a consultant for various governments, think tanks and NGOs. She has appeared on CNN, Fox News, and other international media outlets.

VIDEO: Hamas Leader Khaled Mash’al: We Will Not Relinquish an Inch of Palestine, from the River to the Sea

VIDEO translated by Memri TV: Hamas Leader Khaled Mash’al:
“We Will Not Relinquish an Inch of Palestine, from the River to the Sea”

Broadcast: December 7, 2012

Memri TV

VIDEO: Arabs for Israel – X-Muslims for Israel – Hamas leader’s son

Hamas leader’s son speaks out on BBC Arabic

Mosab Hassan Yousuf, son of Hamas leader of West Bank Sheik Hassan Yousuf talks on T.V and as an Palestinian Arab Muslim claims he supports Israel because he is righteous and knows through his religion and history whose land it really belongs to, the Israelis.

He exposes all Arab lies against Israel and criticizes Islam for the hatred it teaches since he experienced it when he was a young boy. He very well admits the Arabs don’t want peace, just hate, war and fight while Israelis are striving for peace. Thank you Mus’ab Hassan Yousuf you are a righteous Arab and are respected for spreading the truth, not Paliwood lies.

VIDEO: Prager University: The Middle East Problem in 5 Minutes

The Middle East Problem in 5 Minutes by PragerUniversity

Why is the Middle East Problem so intractable? Dennis Prager, nationally syndicated talk show host and best-selling author, answers that question in this thought-provoking video course.

VIDEO Samaria (West Bank): The Heart of Israel

Samaria: The Heart of Israel


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